The Kirk o the Halie Ruid

Ruid is the Scots wird fur the Corss o the Crucifictioun.

The erest Kirk on this steid wes founnit bi Keing Dauvit I in eir 1129,bot wes brunt ti the grun in eir 14O6. No lang eftirins the Lorde Chaumerlane o Scotland gied a graunt ti hae a nyow Kirk biggit, an the Nave, Suth Trance an Tour wes feinist aroun eir 1414. This pairt o the Kirk wi its roundit Scotch stoups, is Gothic pends an its oreiginal aik timmer ruif nou, eftir monie chynges, kyths mair ir les lik it wes lang syne.

Acause the Kirk wesna lairge eneuch fur the congregautioun the Queire (ir aistlins pairt) wes biggit atwein 1507 an 1546 bi burgh tredsmen unner the eydent ei o Maister Maisson, John Coutts.

In eir 1656, eftir ane outkest atwein the twa meinisters o the Kirk an thair menyies, the Burgh Counsaill hed a pairpil waw beildit whaur the corssin is the day, thusgates furmin twa chairges, the Aist Kirk an the Wast Kirk, ilkane wi its ain meinister. This setivautioun contined ontil eir 1935, whan the twa congregautiouns wes unyt unner ae meinister.

Than follaed the mukkil restaurin wark durand the eirs 1936-1940. The parpil waw wes dang doun, the twa cuttie transepps wes eikit out, the groyned vowt o the corssin wes biggit, an the fluirs o the Queire an Chancell wes upheized ti allou Vestries an a Sessioun Houss ti be construkkit unner the fluir o the Queire.

Atwein eirs 1965 an 1968 mair refraischin wark wes cairried out. This inhauddit the makkin guid o the stane astragals o severals o winnoks, the repairall o monie bits saft ashlar, the fress pyntin o the hale o the stane-wark an the inpittin o a modren hatin seistem. In eir 197O the reinge o sax bells in the Tour wes owre-yettit an syne hingit agane. Thur wul can nou be ringit aither bi haun ir bi machine. Atwein eirs 1987 an I993 a mukkil restaurin wes duin fur a chairge o £1,250,000.

Mary, Quene o Scots, wirshippit ben this Kirk an John Knox preichit heir. Mary's laddie bairn, James VI o Scotland, at eftirwart becam Keing o Ingland in eir l603, eftir the daith o Quene Elizabeth, wes crounit heir on 2th Julie, 1567, makkin this Kirk the anerlie Kirk in Britane aye in reglar uiss fur wirship, bi Wastmeinster Abbay in Lunnon, whaur a Coronautioun hes gaed fonit.

With thanks to Fons Scotiae, Scotlandwell, Kinross-shire KY13 9JA